NetTV online video portal

Development of web-based NetTV online video on demand portal


NetTV delivers over 20 channels of streaming multimedia programs around the clock.  Together with its world-class media partners, NetTV delivers the latest news, business, entertainment, lifestyle, cultural and sports content directly into ISP networks througout Asia and the Middle East.  End users can access the flicker-free, streaming multimedia directly from their computer, and benefit from the wealth of live and on-demand content that NetTV provides.

               nettv_interface               nettv_interfaces

SpeedCast operates a satellite IP platform and a Content Distribution Network that reliably delivers content to customers and offered the following three service lines:

1. SpeedCast Broadband – provides high speed Internet access to customers via customer’s own satellite receiver system.  Customers are able to receive Internet content at speeds of up to 1.5Mbps

2. SpeedCast Multimedia – delivers up to 30 channels of live and on-demand streaming video content on a 24×7 basis.  The streams are either delivered directly to the local ISPs where the streams are relayed to the ISPs’ access customers, or to SpeedCast Broadband customers via their own satellite setup

3. SpeedCast Broadcast – provides content delivery network in Asia. Content is distributed and served from the edge, with intelligent traffic re-routing technology to ensure most reliable content delivery.


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