Global traffic redirection

Management of global traffic and distributed content delivery networks


Create seamless global traffic management of distributed content servers through dynamic DNS and redirection of intelli DNS and Orionswave SmartArrow.  The architecture was supplemented with content servers running Squid NT, Squid Linux, Apache, IIS and WMS to deliver both traditional web content as well as video on demand. Squid, Apache, IIS, and WMS are popular caching proxies, http servers and video media servers used to deliver caching and reverse caching, edge remote content services, windows media services on a network of both Linux and Windows remote content servers or POPs (points of presence). Each remote content server provided the following capabilities:

  • web service, for traditional web content, html, css, js, images, as well as “other” file assets
  • media service, for streaming video media content
  • caching CDN service, for both proxy and reverse proxy over a distributed network

Assets for each of the services were populated through various methods through efficient satellite multicast push delivery and automated reverse caching from configured origin servers.


The SmartArrow Server was the most comprehensive Layer 7 global load balancing solution.  It combines a real-time policy management system from which a distribute server can load into runtime to provide the necessary information and resources to execute, a SmartScript XML style language to write policies and a software master controller that provides all the added tools and utilities that are required to embed the server within another product.


IntelliDNS features Content Routing that differentiates itself from previous versions as well as other traditional DNS-based routing products. It supports both DNS-based and HTTP-based traffic redirection: replies its own IP address to a client’s DNS request and then redirects HTTP-based traffic from the client to the best content server. It supports protocol remapping for Content Routing that can transparently remap an HTTP URL to other protocols like HTTPS, RTSP and MMS and enable non-HTTP services.


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