Digital TV solution

Management of enterprise digital TV and pay TV solution sales

The Digital TV product suite provides a unified, end to end ecosystem that helps TV Service Operators offer interactive TV services over heterogeneous networks that include terrestrial, broadband, cable, and satellite infrastructure. In compliance with NGoD (Next Generation on Demand) and ISA (Interactive Service Architecture), Digital TV offers a portable and flexible platform that supports the integration of world class 3rd party components. The adoption of open standards, essential in a best of breed solution, new interactive services are integrated and delivered to the subscriber with less delay and more importantly, operators enjoy an optimised Total Cost of Ownership.

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  • Standard compliance. Allows different components from different vendors to be interoperable by complying with NGoD / ISA.
  • Supports multiple instances of of VOD equipment types
  • Openness. Common interfaces design for easy integration. Supports Java RMI, SOAP/XML Web Services for integration
  • Modular Architecture. Enable operators more easily add, change and rollout new services.
  • Network and Video Formats. Dual operation of IPTV or CATV services. Support for SD/HD (Standard/High Definition) o Support for MPEG2, H.264/AVC, AVS
  • Total Service Management. Empower operational monitoring of business services as well as system components.
  • Analytical Reporting. Facilitates cross business reporting.
  • Provides a complete range of enhanced and interactive TV functions.

The Digital TV product suite works in concert with the following products from Cisco, Oracle, Harmonic, RGB, Motorola (Google), RedHat, BitBand (Motorola), Scientific Atlanta (Cisco), RedHat, HP, Stratus, F5.

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  • Video Servers, Content Delivery Engines
  • Video Processors, Splicers, Video Switching, Digital Program Insertion, Bandwidth Optimizer, Mosaic Processors
  • Integrated Receiver Decoders, Broadcast Encoders
  • Conditional Access, Digital Rights Management, License Management
  • Service Delivery Platform, BOSS
  • High Availability, Load Balancing, Fault Tolerant systems


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